Talk at the artists space Dock in Basel
We design the shop window, knit with our fingers, Ursula K. le Guin's words ring out and altogether it's a very bonding evening.
Club Digestif is a discussion format of the artists space Dock in Basel, which invited the IfTF to present our work in the discussion on Donna Haraway's STRING FIGURES and to go into a textile activity with those present.
«Playing with threads is about passing on and accepting patterns, about dropping threads and failing, but sometimes also about finding something that works, something consistent and maybe even beautiful; something that wasn't there yet, a passing on of connections that matter; a storytelling that goes from hand to hand, from finger to finger, from junction to junction - to create conditions that allow for a finite prosperity on earth, on terra." (Haraway, Donna J., 2016: Staying Uneasy. p. 20)
conversation, knitting instruction, conception display window
collaboration display window
conception Klub
Digitale collage
Anna Cordasco
Lydia Sonderegger
Leonie Wienandts
Lisa Haller
Sebastian Altermatt Linda Bühlmann
Linda Bühlmann
Barbara Muff
Lydia Sonderegger